AmigaOS3.5 (872/967)

From:Marion E. Wyatt
Date:27 May 2000 at 07:34:56
Subject:Datatypes (Was: Re: text.datatype)

(Sorry for the crosspost, but I'm not sure who reads each list "officially")

On 26-May-00 at 12:44:05, Shinda wrote these words of wisdom:
> --- In, "Marion E. Wyatt" <amiscorp@e...>
> wrote:
>> Ok. I have heard you mention these Ms-Word, WordPerfect, and RTF
>> datatypes but where are they? I've never heard of them before you
>> mentioned them. So far the non-OS3.5 text.datatype v44.2 has worked
>> fine for the last 3 or 4 days since I installed it and I can mark
>> text in multiview and double clicking hilights a word... I'm hoping
>> this is builtin to a new official version of the text.datatype. It
>> is the ONLY reason I gave the datatype a try.
> I have just recieved an email from the author of these datatypes and
> he informs me that he has released a new version. You can obtain
> limited versions of these datatypes from
> Yes it would be good if this was a feature of the original text
> datatype(I think the old v39 supported it but the display was buggy).

Thank you very much for this link. Very cool to have these datatypes
available. Now a suggestion. Perhaps H&P/Amiga could get these datatypes
added to the OS or work with this person to further enhance the datatypes
system as needed. A similar project to these "DocDatatypes" was the
HyperText Datatype System (HTDS) a couple years ago though it didn't go into
all these "Doc" formats it did have HTML and other hypertext formats. There
is also the MPEG video datatypes by another person.

Many people are making or made datatypes to extend the datatypes system
further. Now that we have official development it would great to get
enhancements to the datatypes system into the OS with knowledgable people
making this OS legal.... ie. to avoid conflicts with improvements and extra
abilities. I know the author of aPDF expressed interest in a pdf.datatype,
and one or more of the authors of the AVI/MOV players expressed interest in
an avi.datatype. Some coordination to add these to the OS would make the OS
ever so much nicer and more powerful. Several attempts have been made now
let's get them added to the OS in a clean official way.

I understand BB2 is primarily a super bugbox release and that is great and
needed. For the next BoingBag perhaps enhancing and extending the
datatypes system capabilities and included datatypes can be worked on.
Datatypes is relatively recent addition to AmigaOS originating with 3.0 and
I know it can be an even more powerful part of the OS structure.

Thanks for listening to my rant. :-)

Marion E Wyatt A3000 CSPPC/233+060/50 CV64/3D OS3.5 138MB 1+18.2GB ZIP100 Support commercial Only AMIGA Makes It Possible!
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